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Salary Range Of Clinical Research Professionals

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Salary Range of Clinical Research Professionals

How good does a Clinical Research professional earn?

There are more opportunities for Clinical Research professionals today than ever in the past. The biotechnology boom is to be thanked for this. As it demands for more and more drugs to be clinically tested and brought into the market for sale, the job opportunities and salary range of clinical research professionals has achieved an altogether new level; not just in India but also on the global front. The demand is being driven by new and upcoming roles that have developed in the Clinical Research field which is no longer only dependent on drug testing and development specialists but also require Clinical Research Associates (CRA), Clinical Research Coordinators (CRC), Biostatisticians, and many such people to ensure that the procedure meets government norms and guidelines.

Salary range of clinical research professionals

As per, a CRA in the United States earns a median base salary of $85,225 whereas a Clinical Research Manager earns $101,309, almost double of the CRA wages. The median annual salary for a Clinical Research Director is quoted between $118,518–$161,776. As per sources, in India, the average salary range of clinical research professionals is between 3 lacs p.a (CRA) to 25 lacs (Clinical Research Director) .

Growth Opportunity

Besides the salary, the stream also presents a splendid opportunity for growth. Since Clinical Trials are an essential part to ensure that every drug and device is safe for human use and consumption, an individual may perceive a long-term career in this field that will come with its share of perks and incentives. Depending upon your area of interest and the knowledge that you possess, you can work as a lab technician, CRA, CRC, Scientist, Associate Scientist, Clinical Research Physician, Biostatistician, Data Manager, Regulatory Affair Associate and many more. Over years of experience in this field, you may aspire to become the lead for the Clinical Research wing or CEO of the medical institution.

Clinical Research – Academics

A strong academic base is the foundation of a bright and fulfilling career. Therefore, to see that you are well-placed in professional life, it is important to look for the best institute whose learning can be a guiding star for the rest of your life.

ICRI was founded by industry veterans in the year 2004 with the vision to create job-ready professionals who can take over the healthcare industry by awe. Today, it offers multiple courses in Clinical Research, Healthcare, and Hospital Management which have helped thousands of students secure an envious career and earn higher than the average salary range of clinical research professionals. For more details, contact at 7303395047 or visit

How well does a Clinical Research professional earn?
MSc Clinical Research starting salary tends to be high as there are more opportunities for Clinical Research professionals today than in the past due to the massive career growth and endless job opportunities in the industry. In addition to the salary, the stream also presents an extraordinary opportunity for growth. A clinical trial is essential to secure that every drug and device is safe for human consumption and use. Clinical Research is one of the massively growing industries as no medicine is introduced in the market without a clinical trial which obviously would demand highly qualified and skilled professionals catering to the industry's demand. The salary range of clinical research professionals has extensively increased due to the unmatched growth in the sector. In the wake of unparalleled opportunities in this new-age industry, MSc Clinical Research starting salary can be imagined.
The demand is driven by upcoming developments in the Clinical Research field, which no longer depends on drug testing and development specialists. But, it also needs a Clinical Research Coordinator and a Clinical Research Associate. With years of excellence and extensive knowledge in the field, one can become a need for the clinical research department. Depending on your scope of interest and ability, you can secure a job as a lab technician, CRC, CRA, Clinical Research Physician, Biostatistician, Regulatory Affairs Associate, and more job opportunities in the industry.
The clinical research field has opportunities in various niches, one such exceptional area with unmatched and enormous job opportunities is Clinical Data Management. Starting salary in clinical data management can be about three lacs per annum. Starting salary after PG Diploma Clinical Research can be more than that. According to the US division of labour statistics, Clinical Research Scientist positions need an advanced degree in Biological Sciences or Medicine. Master's degree programs are also offered in Clinical Research. In India, the starting salary after PG Diploma in Clinical Research ranges from INR 1.9 lakhs to INR 7.0 lakhs. While the starting salary in clinical data management in India is 2.7 lakhs, it depends on several factors.
To have a fulfilling career and tremendous job opportunities coming your way, you have to ensure that you are heading towards the right career guide, ICRI being one of the top-notch Clinical Research institutions aims to prepare you for new-age careers and the most in-demand clinical research industry so that you get paid even more than you expect to be the salary range of clinical research professionals.

Know about salary range of clinical research professionals . Avail Clinical Research courses from us and get a handsome starting salary in clinical data management.