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VLE Login

VLE Login

ICRI Information and Communication

The ICRI VLE is an interactive platform to access a wide pool of resources and a comprehensive guide to all the departments, activities and publications of the institute. ICRI Students will particularly benefit from this initiative.

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

ICRI-VLE: The VLE is a valuable resource for all registered students facilitating access to a wide variety of information-learning outcomes, lecture notes, class time-tables, multimedia tutorials, discussion forums, examination results, self-assessment tests and calendar of events. It is password protected for the exclusive use of ICRI students

ICRI Information and Communication Technology Services


All students are provided with an e-mail address after registration in ICRI-VLE. It is mandatory that students use this e-mail address for all communication with the Institute. Important notices will be sent to students via their ICRI-VLE group e-mail address. We therefore recommend students check their VLE in-box on a daily basis.

Resource: ICRI-VLE FAQs

In order to use the College network, ICRI-VLE and the Internet, you must:

1. Check settings on your Laptopcomputer

Prior to registration

  1. Make sure that you have a secure password.
  2. Make sure that your network settings are correct.
  3. Make sure that your firewall is ON, and ICMP echo is enabled (for Windows, the programsecuritycheck.exe can be used for this.

    Problems with connections

    1. No connection: Check that your laptop Wi-Fi is enabled properly (leftmost socket if there are more than one)
    2. No registration page: Settings for networking may be wrong. In particular, you should make sure that your connection is set to automatic (DHCP); this is the default, but you or someone else may have changed it. If you do not know how to set this correctly, consult the IT Office.
    3. Registration fails: You may have mistyped your CRSID (Common Registration Service identifier), or did not accept the conditions.
    4. Authentication fails: Your password was incorrect.

    Use the Network Efficiently

    If you have problems connecting which you cannot solve from this pager contact ICRI ITAdmin in campus or mail to below

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